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  • lundi 24 juin 2013

    témoignage de rch2003 sur l'acide humique Morning Minerals Vitality Boost

    Hello ! Après bientôt 2 semaines de prise, le résultat est sans appel, c'est extrêmement efficace ! La forme physique est de retour et les symptômes ont quasiment disparu !

    Dans mon cas mon côlon a du mal à cicatriser du fait que depuis que j'ai retrouvé la forme je ne supporte plus de rester inactif, résultat j'en fais un peu trop et je force de trop physiquement, du coup cela ne facilite pas la cicatrisation... mais cela cicatrise quand même !

    J'ai ressenti les bienfaits en l'espace de 3 jours, en moins d'une semaine le transit était de nouveau normal (selles normales 1 à 2 fois maxi dans la journée), franchement bluffant...

    Perso je prends 3x 40ml /jour, cela me permet de tenir une semaine entière avec 1 bouteille.

    Le seul soucis vient plus de l'approvisionnement, c'est très lent pour transiter vers la France ! J'ai commandé une bouteille de 2 litres sur supremefulvic en même temps que 4 bouteilles de Vitality Boost HA il y a une semaine, les bouteilles de Vitality boost n'ont toujours pas bougé alors que celle provenant de supremefuvlic devrait arriver lundi.

    Cela me donnera l'occasion d'essayer l'acide humique + fulvique afin de voir si l'effet est le même que le Vitality Boost HA.

    En tout cas merci d'avoir partagé ta découverte :-)

    jeudi 6 juin 2013

    approvisionnement en acide humique: le seul remède vraiment miracle?

    J'ai reçu en 6 jours une bouteille de 4 litres en provenance des Etats Unis que j'ai commandé sur
    Pour info c'est un mélange d'acide humique ET fulvique, ce qui me semble terriblement efficace pour lutter contre les symptomes de la rectocolite (surement Crohn aussi - à tester).

    En revanche ça revient très cher: 100$ pour la bouteille et 58$ de frais de port, soit 158$ mais ça arrive vite (6 jours) contrairement aux expéditions de iherb qui mettent entre 2 et 4 semaines pour arriver. J'ai fait les comptes et pour avoir la meme quantité avec iherb, il faut débourser 4*18$(bouteille de vitality boost ha) + 2*12$(expédition)=96$ soit 62$ d'économie comparé a la solution de supremefulvic. Pour info 96$ équivaut a 73 euros. Se fournir chez iherb semble donc largement plus économique. Je vous rappelle que vous pouvez utiliser le code WIW625 pour obtenir 10$ de réduction sur votre première commande iherb.

    Le seul fournisseur européen de mélange d'acide humique et fulvique est qui propose une solution très chère et pas si rapide que ça puisqu'il vous en coutera environ 50$ avec les frais de port pour faire venir en France une seule bouteille de "vitality boost HA", et ce en 6-7 jours.

    Je pense pouvoir tenir 3-4 semaines avec 4 bouteilles de "vitality boost HA" ou une grande bouteille de "supreme fulvic", oui je sais c'est un budget mais la santé n'a pas de prix. Je recommande à tous ceux qui font l'essai de rester en phase C ou D de "nouvelle flore" et de ne pas s'éloigner du régime aussi tentant que cela semble être. Évidemment on est toujours plus tenté de s'aventurer hors du régime lorsqu’on a plus de symptômes mais non restez fort au moins quelques mois car une rechute est toujours possible.

    J'ai une remarque très importante à faire: le produit allemand Activomin semble largement moins efficace contre les symptomes, peut etre a cause de l'absence d'acide fulvique dans le produit je ne sais pas.

    dimanche 2 juin 2013

    Acide humique, Lysine, Melatonine, DHEA, Aloe vera

    04/01/2012: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand

    "Well, the cure is possible and I found those that helped. 

    You have to understand there are basically two aspects of ulcerative colitis., the cause is mostly
    mycobacterium, which gives rise (after they are killed or living) to lipopolysaccharides.
    The lipopolysaccharides cause the inflammation which causes ulcerative colitis,
    but the mycobacterium also causes them. 

    As for the green tea it contains tannic acid,and most of it is on the leaf, some is in the liquid, that is why green tea you have to prepare it yourself, with the green tea leaves.
    In fact most of my remedies require that any herbs or any tea, you must consume the powder of the leaves and nothing is thrown away. 

    You also get the same results (approximately) if you also consume tannic acid. Basically its the tannic acid that kills the mycobacterium in general, and some of the polysaccharides, but definitely doesn't really speed the healing process in the regeneration of tissues cells at all, but it does reduce the inflammation on the intestinal tract. Any nurse or doctors will tell you that if you have diarrhea, always take the green tea (especially eating leafs) or Coke (it contains caffeine. 
    So it was both the green tea and the caffeine that actually helped, especially the alertness definitely comes from the caffeine. But it may help some people and it may hurt some people on caffeine due to differences in biochemical imbalances that exist in the body. 
    As you go through the "general" green tea with different applications, you get different aspects and therefore some of the conflicting information, even different brands, but if you are dealing with ulcerative colitis then green tea helps in case the person has constipation, though that seems to occur more in Crohn's disease then anything else.
    As to the coffee, in Thailand we drink green coffee, it has less or no carcinogens, but once you roast a coffee, then you get hydrocarbons, and you don't want that, because people with this condition are vulnerable to colon cancer.

    As to your being helped glutamine is correct, it does help the healing but the bacterium of mycobacterium has to be rid of it or lessened,and you must have normal blood sugar to begin with as glutamine helps the healing. But
    it will always be the lysine and N acetyl cysteine to help the healing. To kill these mycobacterium is cinnamon, but they caused irritation and this is why lowering the inflammation initially will help. 
    Boswellic acid will kill them too, but without the inflammation.
    So someone with abnormal blood sugar above 100 mg,/dL might require more, such as gymnema slyvestre. 
    But someone with serious bleeding probably going to need less humic acid, but more vitamin K1 and K2, but also aloe vera oil. 
    And someone who is seriously weakened will need more N acetyl cysteine, selenium, and a shot of B12. You have to really understand that most people who do have ulcerative colitus has a serious deficient vitamin K, this pattern of vitamin K has been deficient in human diets for the last 100 years, and making it worse, with margarine. 
    Under no conditions are these people allowed to eat vegetable oils and margarine, it will lead a person to a hospital just taking plenty of potato chips and french fries!
    But you always need DHEA 200 mg and melatonin at night at least 10 mg to help treat
    the inflammation and also some killing of mycobacterium, DHEA actually increases immune system indirectly, as does Lysine, the white blood cells, but inflammation is absolutely essential.
    As to the greens, copper chlorophyllin, chlorella. and perhaps spirulina also help but very differently in ulcerative colitis. 
    Copper chlorophyllin works as copper is toxic to most mycobacterium, but then so do MSM.
    Chlorella works by getting rid of excess heavy metals as they are required for mycobacterium growth (as do virus!) so they ultimately performed recycling work, but you can die prematurely if they overtake the body as there is some signs of decaying within the body!
    Spirulina works similar to chlorella although I think less aggressively then chlorella.
    So yes it is a matter of time to cure ulcerative colitis, first the cause (mycobacterium),second the leftovers (lipopolysaccharides), third the healing of ulcerative colitis. 
    The immune system can "see" the mycobacterium, with astralagus, DHEA, melatonin, in different aspects of the immune systems too long to discuss. The lipopolysaccharides can be broke to pieces to neutralize, such as bromelain, digestive enzymes. The mycobacterium may be destroyed with cinnamon. cinnamic aldehyde
    (less extent), ellagic acid, tannic acid, green tea, humic acid also. 

    The aloe helps accelerated healing of the intestinal tract, but also glutamine, but mostly the lysine, glycine
    and vitamin C (major components of collagen).
    The glutamine also helps, but some BCAA (branched chain amino acid also). My simple
    method is basically humic acid, aloe vera oil and lysine as the major elements, but depending upon my clients I can have hundreds of variations, but it rest on the understanding, and then developing the
    strategies to cure ulcerative colitis.
    Any way this is my latest information so far on ulcerative colitis, as time will permit. 
    So what I have found is basically the same as what you found, both coffee and tea.